Botanical Name
Viburnum dentatum
Common Name
Southern Arrow- Wood
Wetland Status
Multi-stemmed, rounded shrub - creamy white late spring/early summer flowers. Leaves are lustrous, dark green in summer changing to yellow to glossy red and reddish- purple in the fall. Flowers are followed by ½" blue-black berries that ripen in early fall. Provides food, cover, and resting/nesting sites for birds, larval food for butterflies and moths. The narrow upright form of long thin branches make it a useful shrub for narrow beds and courtyard plantings. Grows 6'-12 high with a comparable spread. Average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade.
Collections from the wild, Rick Webb's Florida Parishes Placenames series:
'Ben's Creek' has large foliage and strong red fall color. Large, coarse-textured shrub to clump tree-form is its look.
'Fountainebleau' is a small-leafed form foundn ear Lake Pontchartrain in Fountainebleau State Park.
'Lee's Landing' has the smallest foliage in the collection with tight round growth habit. Found 1 mile north of the Tupelo/Cypress swamp in poorly drained flatwoods near Lee's Landing.
'Osceola' is the first named cultivar in Rick Webb's Florida Parishes Placenames series. 'Osceola' was found along a roadside southeast of Husser, LA. and has larger foliage and a strong, red fall color.